Porn is one of the few topics that does not require an introduction. Everyone knows what it is. Instead, we’ve gathered 3 interesting facts that will give you an accurate impression about Internet porn:

1) Around $3,000 is spent on Internet porn every second! Most of it is spent on popular adult marketplaces such as OnlyFans and Kinkie.
2) Sunday is the most popular day of the week for watching porn.
3) 12% of websites — or nearly 25 million — are porn sites.

Before you start hosting porn on your website, there are few things that you should know. Starting a porn website can be very lucrative. You can either upload your own porn content, like Pierre Woodman does on, or like most people, you can host porn content that is created by others on your platform and profit off of it. Like or

It is important to find a hosting provider that allows porn, and that ignores copyright complaints on that porn content, known as DMCA.

A hosting provider might claim that they allow porn, but once they receive an abuse that you are showing a porn image or video that isn’t yours, your website will go down with a blink of an eye.

Of course you’re also looking for speed, quality, and affordability.

Considering all these criteria, we’ve devised a list of the best porn hosting providers that:

1) allow porn,
2) ignore DMCA-related complaints,
3) have a good reputation and offer quality services,
4) are affordable and thus not overpriced.

There aren’t that many, but we’ve luckily found the 10 best porn hosting providers:

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 15 GB Disk Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 1 Dedicated IP
- 10 Subdomains
$5/Per Month
- SSD Storage
- Free SSL Certificates
- 20 MySQL Databases
- cPanel Included
- One-click CMS
About Vicetemple
Vicetemple is the only hosting company to specialize in providing services exclusively for the adult industry. Founded in 2016, the company has its primary data center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Vicetemple offers shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, and domain registration services at competitive pricing. The most basic hosting plan with this provider will cost you only $5.00 per month.

Vicetemple’s services and features are specifically tailored for websites in the adult industry — the provider’s offshore location ensures that users can upload almost any content they want and go around DMCA and other restrictions. They also offer WordPress porn themes, guarantee 99.9% server uptime, 24/7 customer service, and high bandwidth for all hosting plans. All of this is why popular porn sites like HeavyFetish and Baddies use Vicetemple as their preferred hosting provider.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 10 GB Disk Space
- 50 GB Bandwidth
- 5 Addon Domains
- 10 MySQL Databases
€5.99/Per Month
- One-click CMS
- 10 FTP Accounts
- 10 Email Accounts
- 30 Days Money Back
- Free Data Migration
About AbeloHost
AbeloHost is perhaps the biggest and most popular offshore hosting company on the market. It has been in business since 2013 and has two data centers based in the Netherlands. AbeloHost is especially suitable for adult websites, as it is quite lenient when it comes to such content. Also, the offshore location can help you bypass DMCA complaints and other restrictions in the USA and Europe.

AbeloHost offers a wide variety of services, including shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, DDoS protection, and server colocation. The cheapest shared hosting plan at AbeloHost costs €5.99. The company guarantees 99.9% server uptime, 24/7 dedicated customer support, and 100 Mbps for each plan.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- Unlimited ULTRA SSD Storage
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- 10 GB Cisco Network
- Weekly Backups
$2.50/Per Month
- Free Website Migration
- SitePad Website Builder
- Free SSL Certificates
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
- 24/7 Support
About InterServer
InterServer is an offshore hosting company that has been in business since 1999. It is one of the biggest offshore hosting providers and the perfect choice if you want to start a porn website with a tight budget. InterServer’s flexible content policies and competitive prices make it one of the best options when it comes to hosting adult content. The company’s services include shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, and server colocation.

The standard hosting plan at InterServer costs $2.50 per month and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. All available plans come with guaranteed 100% power uptime, 99.9% network uptime, and 24/7 customer service from live agents. Also, you get unlimited storage space, a free SSL certificate, and weekly website backups.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 1 CPU Core
- 1 GB RAM
- 20 GB Disk Space
- 5000 GB Bandwidth
$4/Per Month
- 24/7 Support
- Instant Setup
- 99.95% Uptime Guaranteed
- Root Access
- SSD Storage
About Kamatera
Kamatera is a cloud solutions company that has been in business since 1995. The company has data centers all over the world, including Amsterdam, Hong Kong, New York, Texas, Amsterdam, Israel, and London. Kamatera is a popular option for hosting adult content because of its privacy and data protection measures. Services include cloud hosting and servers, managed cloud, cloud firewall, and more.

Pricing with Kamatera starts at $4.00 per month for the most basic plan. The company offers a 30-day free trial with no credit card required for its hosting services. This option makes Kamatera an excellent choice if you want to keep your initial hosting expenses to a minimum.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 1 Domain
- Free Website Transfer
$5.24/Per Month
- Free Website Builder
- 99.99% Uptime Guaranteed
- Instant Setup
- Daily Backups
- Latest cPanel
About Hostwinds
Founded in 2010, Hostwinds is a premium web hosting provider that is well-known for its reliability and quality of service. With data centers in Seattle, WA, Dallas, TX, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Hostwinds is a pricier hosting option that is worth every dollar. The company offers shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, and cloud-based solutions.

The most basic shared hosting plan at Hostwinds costs $8.99 per month and includes unlimited bandwidth and disk space. All plans come with daily backups, non-stop monitoring, and 24/7/365 customer support. Hostwinds also guarantees 99.9999% server uptime for its hosting solutions.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 1 Website
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited SSD Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
$2.95/Per Month
- Instant Setup
- Free Migration
- 24/7/365 Support
- 60-Day Money Back
About TMDHosting
Another well-known hosting provider that allows adult content, TMDHosting has been around since 2007. It is one of the biggest hosting companies out there and has data centers in the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, Japan, the UK, and the US. TMDHosting is a popular hosting provider that is renowned for the performance, security, and reliability of its servers.

TMDHosting offers shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, cloud solutions, and more. Pricing is extremely competitive, and the company offers regular discounts for new customers. The basic web hosting plan will cost you only $4.95 per month — however, TMDHosting constantly offer different promotions and discounts, making it one of the most affordable providers on our list.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 1 Website
- Free Domain
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- SSD Storage
$2.59/Per Month
- Free SSL Certificate
- 24/7 Support
- One-Click Installer
- Free Privacy Protection
About DreamHost
DreamHost is perhaps the most well-known hosting company that allows adult content. Since its founding in 1997, the provider has grown to have data centers in Ashburn, VA, and Hillsboro, OR. While it is not considered an offshore hosting provider, DreamHost has excellent options for hosting porn, provided that all content is legal.

DreamHost offers a variety of services, including shared hosting, VPS, dedicated and managed servers, cloud solutions, domain services, and more. The most basic shared hosting plan is priced at $2.59 per month and includes unlimited traffic, a free SSL certificate, and a free domain.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 10 GB SSD
- 1 CPU
- 512 MB RAM
- 500 GB Bandwidth
$2.50/Per Month
- 24/7 Support
- cPanel Included
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free Website Builder
- Wide Selection of OS
About Vultr
Vultr is one of the industry leaders in cloud hosting solutions and has been in business since 2014. The company has 17 data centers in key locations all over the world, including Amsterdam, Singapore, Seoul, Los Angeles, Miami, Tokyo, Paris, Toronto, Sydney, and more. Vultr’s policies allow it to host adult content, as long as it is legal. As a result, the provider is well-known in the porn industry as a safe and reliable option.

Vultr offers a variety of cloud hosting solutions, including dedicated bare metal servers, dedicated cloud, scalable storage space, and others. The cheapest SSD cloud service at this provider costs $2.50 per month and comes with DDoS protection, firewalls, and lots of extra features.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 15 GB SSD
- 30 GB Bandwidth
- 2 Cores
- 2 GB RAM
$2.95/Per Month
- 99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
- Daily Backups
- Free Domain Transfer
- Free SSL Certificate
- 45 Days Money Back Guarantee
About FastComet
FastComet is a popular hosting brand that is well-known for the overall quality and flexibility of its services. Founded in 2013, the company has 11 data centers around the world, including Amsterdam, London, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, Dallas, and Frankfurt. FastComet provides shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, cloud hosting, and other services. The company has some of the best WordPress hosting plans on the market.

The standard price for the basic shared hosting plan is $9.95 per month. However, FastComet offers various discounts that can get it down to just $2.95 per month. All plans come with plenty of benefits, including advanced security, 24/7 dedicated support, and a free SSL certificate.

Web Hosting
Starting Price
- 15 GB SSD
- 2 CPU Cores
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 Website
$3.99/Per Month
- 24/7 Support
- Free SSL Certificate
- 99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
- SSD Storage
- Instant Setup
- Free Data Migration
- Daily Backups
About HostArmada
HostArmada is a fast-growing hosting company that specializes in cloud SSD solutions. The company is known for allowing adult content on their servers and their tolerant stance regarding content in general. HostArmada has data centers in key locations around the world, including London, Frankfurt, Bangalore, Sydney, Singapore, and Dallas, TX.

The basic shared and WordPress hosting plans at HostArmada cost $3.99 per month and feature unmetered bandwidth, free SSL, cloud SSD storage, and 24/7/365 customer support. HostArmada guarantees 99.9% server uptime and offers a 45-day money-back guarantee for all its hosting solutions.

As you can see, there are many good hosting providers out there that support adult content. Starting your own porn website is easier and more accessible than ever before — even if you are on a tight budget, you can create a potentially lucrative venture. If you need help launching your adult project, check out an in-depth guide on starting a porn site. It is a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your adult website from start to finish — no coding knowledge or industry experience required whatsoever.

When it comes to running a porn website, choosing the right hosting provider is essential. The companies on our list not only support adult content, but also make sure your website is safe from regulations and hacker attacks. Keep in mind that the majority of hosting companies out there do not allow porn and will quickly shut down your website once they discover your content. For this reason, we do not recommend you going with a provider that is not part of our list.

On a final note, while shared hosting solutions are cheap, they are limited when it comes to performance, resources, and speed. In order to get the best in terms of quality and protection, we recommend going with a VPS hosting plan, especially if you plan to have porn videos on your site. If that’s the case, you can check out our list of best porn VPS providers to see our top picks for this category.

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By Elise Wong
Elise Wong is a web hosting specialist with almost a decade of experience in the industry. She has been collaborating with a number of well-known hosting providers over the years and she is now an expert hosting reviewer.