Cenmax Reviews

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Price & Value for Money
A web hosting company launched in 2014, Cenmax provides its clients with shared, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers as well as reseller hosting plans. They offer highly customizable dedicated plans and fully scalable VPS services. With their redundant Tier 4 datacenters in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, Cenmax provides their customers with excellent connectivity and low latency worldwide. All of their plans come with a 30-day risk-free money-back policy. Visit Website
Web Hosting
Name Disk Space MySQL Databases Bandwidth Price Link
Basic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $2.49/mo ORDER
Standard 2 Unlimited Unlimited $3.99/mo ORDER
Premium Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $6.49/mo ORDER
WordPress Web Hosting
Name Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
WP 1 25 GB SSD Unlimited $2.95/mo ORDER
WP 2 Unlimited Unlimited $4.95/mo ORDER
Cloud Hosting
Name Domains Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
Basic 3 Unlimited Unlimited $3.95/mo ORDER
Standard 25 Unlimited Unlimited $7.95/mo ORDER
Premium Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $12.95/mo ORDER
Linux VPS Hosting
Name CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
Linux VPS 1 2×2.5 GHz 2 GB 25 GB SSD 4 TB $21.95/mo ORDER
Linux VPS 2 2×2.5 GHz 4 GB 50 GB SSD 8 TB $39.95/mo ORDER
Linux VPS 3 4×2.5 GHz 8 GB 100 GB SSD 15 TB $64.95/mo ORDER
Windows VPS Hosting
Name CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
Windows VPS 1 2×2.5 GHz 2 GB 25 GB SSD 4 TB $21.95/mo ORDER
Windows VPS 2 2×2.5 GHz 4 GB 50 GB SSD 8 TB $39.95/mo ORDER
Windows VPS 3 4×2.5 GHz 8 GB 100 GB SSD 15 TB $64.95/mo ORDER
Managed VPS Hosting
Name CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
Basic MVM 2 2 GB 30 GB SSD 3 TB $29.95/mo ORDER
Premium MVM 2 4 GB 60 GB SSD 5 TB $49.95/mo ORDER
Enterprise MVM 4 8 GB 140 GB SSD 8 TB $79.95/mo ORDER
Dedicated Servers
CPU Cores RAM Disk Space Bandwidth Price Link
Quad Core Processor 4 16 GB 2 TB HDD SATA 100 TB $93/mo ORDER
Hexa Core Processor 6 32 GB 2 TB HDD SATA 100 TB $138/mo ORDER
Octa Core Processor 8 64 GB 2 TB HDD SATA 100 TB $246/mo ORDER

Location: India

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