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CloudScale is a Swiss-based company that offers a virtual cloud platform aimed primarily at developers, as well as web hosting services. It ensures the safety of the websites using full SSD storage, with an internal networking option. CloudScale takes advantage of Switzerland’s strict data protection and privacy laws and therefore maintains high data security. Even though the company charges higher prices, it also offers customers daily rates to alleviate the expenses. CloudScale accepts payments through MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, etc. Visit Website
Cloud Servers
Name CPU Memory Storage Price Link
Flex-2 1 vCPU 2 GB 10 GB SSD 30 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-4 2 vCPU 4 GB 10 GB SSD 45 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-8 4 vCPU 8 GB 10 GB SSD 90 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-16 6 vCPU 16 GB 10 GB SSD 180 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-32 8 vCPU 32 GB 10 GB SSD 320 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-48 10 vCPU 48 GB 10 GB SSD 540 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-64 12 vCPU 64 GB 10 GB SSD 720 CHF/mo ORDER
Flex-96 16 vCPU 96 GB 10 GB SSD 1080 CHF/mo ORDER

Location: Switzerland

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