Onamae Reviews

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Shared Hosting
Name Disk Space WAF Original SSL Spam filter Wisdom Price Link
SD-11 200GB Standard loading Option offer Option Installed None 9000YEN ($78.67)/mo ORDER
SD-12 400GB Standard loading Standard installation Standard loading None 1800YEN ($15.73)/mo ORDER
Wiser plan 200GB Standard loading Option offer Option Installed Included 900YEN ($7.87)/mo ORDER
Name CPU Cores Memory HDD Price Link
plan 1 2 1GB 100GB HDD 896YEN ($7.83)/mo ORDER
plan 2 3 2GB 200GB HDD 1315YEN ($11.49)/mo ORDER
plan 3 4 4GB 400GB HDD 3696YEN ($32.31)/mo ORDER
plan 4 6 8GB 800GB HDD 750YEN ($65.60)/mo ORDER
plan 5 10 16GB 1TB HDD 15124YEN ($132.19)/mo ORDER
Dedicated server
Name CPU Cores Memory HDD Price Link
DS-01 Plan 8 24GB 500GB HDD 26743YEN ($236.39)/mo ORDER
DS-02 Plan 8 64GB 1500GB HDD 43457YEN ($384.13)/mo ORDER
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